'In-Between' 2024, context video. 
Zoom in and Zoom out in Google Maps has allowed me to explore the cities instantly. I wander around in Google Maps, looking at buildings and locations, and I realise some have been demolished, or redeveloped. They are in constant change. 
I wanted to add a soundtrack designated for this video, which brings out the transitioning feeling from Hong Kong to Manchester. For the transitioning images of Murrays' Mills, I want to bring out the feeling of emptiness and deconstruction through the sounds. Therefore I have commissioned a friend of mine Hei to design the soundtrack for me.
 Although there are many red brick buildings in Manchester, I have chosen Murrays' Mills in Manchester as the reference to work with in Mid-journey. I use the photo of it to imagine the collapsed AI version of it. I wrote the prompt and generated some images of the Murrays' Mills in the process of demolition. I have chosen a few images that I think have the closest look to the actual building, and seems like it is the actual Murrays' Mills in the process of deconstruction.

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